
This project is a study case to gRPC + F#, the scenario is, an inspector goes to a retailer and give 3 rates for lighting, snow removal and rooftop maintenance. Those rates range from, BAD, AVERAGE, GOOD.

Primary LanguageF#

Division Maintenance Group

DMG Divisions provides a platform to help retailers thrive. One of the services provides is inspections.

This project is a study case to gRPC + F#, the scenario is, an inspector goes to a retailer and gives 3 rates for lighting, snow removal, and rooftop maintenance. Those rates range from, BAD, AVERAGE, GOOD.


  • F#
    • Type Providers
    • Entity Framework
    • Fantomas
  • gRPC
  • Postgres
  • Docker

Originally I was planning to add Kafka to the study case but hit the time budget I've set for this project.

How to run

From the root of the project

  1. docker-compose up -d database
  2. Follow the instructions on the CI Workflow

Project's Retrospective/Postmortem

What went well

- Learned about gRPCs and how to build them
- Learned about docs limitations of type providers.
- Practiced Github Actions.
- Practiced Docker.
- Learned from real problem how Paket is superior to dotnet raw nuget management.
- Most of the time was spent on bootstrapping stuff. Thus, last time spent on bootstrap work projects.
- Learn about .NET gRPCs and their limitations like you need a C# project to consume the proto buffers from it.
- Find out about VSCode Ionide limitation on C#/F# project interop solution.
- Practiced type providers

What went wrong

- Most consuming problems were silly problems such as
    - After deleting the old C# gRPC project and creating a new one, I forgot to add the .csproject to the solution, thus, the service wasn't being compiled and matching the proto buffer from the client.
    - Spend too much time figuring out how to manage the DLLs when I had paket to do it as modern package managers do such as pip, npm, etc.
- Didn't have time to add Kafka to the project.
- Most of the time was spent on bootstrapping stuff. Thus, last time on business logic.
- Time budget spent before properly handling security like Postgres credentials. Next project gotta do this from day 0.
- Didn't have time to introduce Computations Expressions at some point. (too much simple of project, didn't need anything fancy tbh)
- Could have added testing to the project, even that fancy lib of algebraic auto-generated tests. (looks promising for the next weekend study case)
- Could have improved the project to use fake instead of having a bunch of steps to run.

Where I got lucky

- Paket solved all my DLL hell issues.
- Docs on Entity Framework Core for FSharp, although small, are very precise.
- gRPC docs on .NET C# still updated.