The Leaflet plugin to control Appearances of Layers - color, opacity and able to remove a overlay layer.
You can also see at bellow page.
- import Leaflet.Control.Appearance.js, then declare and add to leaflet map.
var appearanceControl = L.control.appearance(baseLayers, uneditableOverlays, overlays, {opacity:true,
This needs three layers args, different type layer.
- baseLayers is array of BASEMAP and they cannot be changed or removed.
- uneditableOverlays is array of OVERLAY you don't want change their appearance.
- overlays is array of OVERLAY, each OVERLAY can be changed appearance and removed.
Leaflet.Control.Appearance has some options. You can choose elements can be controlled.
- position: default:'topright'
- radioCheckbox: default:true
- layerName: default:true
- opacity: default:false
- color: default:false
- remove: default:false
- removeIcon: default:null, //String, a URL for image of removeIcon
This plugin needs that layers have options for interactive control.
- layer.options.color
- layer.options.opacity
Each must have default value to show default appearance appropriately.
Leaflet.Control.Appearance refer and change layers options value.