
Tools designed to assist cryptography students in mastering the mathematical aspects of their studies

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This tools is under development!!

Welcome to Kriptonite! A suite of utilities designed to assist cryptography students in mastering the mathematical aspects of their studies. Whether you're trying to compute modular arithmetic, polynomial, homomorphic, understand elliptic curve operations, or simply need help with basic math, this toolkit has got you covered.


  1. Prime Number Generators
  2. Check Number Relative Prime
  3. Fator
  4. Factorial
  5. Modulus
  6. Power
  7. Modulus Power
  8. Calculate GCD
  9. Calculate Orde
  10. Euler Function Algoritm
  11. Euclidean Algoritm
  12. Extended Euclidean Algoritm

Next Abstract Algebra

  1. Generate Set Group
  2. Generate Coset Group (addtional & multiplicative)
  3. Generate Quotien Group (addtional & multiplicative)
  4. Generate Cyclic Group (addtional & multiplicative)
  5. Order Generator
  6. Calculate Polynomial

[More feature coming soon...]