
This is the user stories application with NodeJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

-For local run -Create database userstories in mysql then run below commands to create table register CREATE TABLE register ( id int(11) NOT NULL, teacher text NOT NULL, student text NOT NULL, suspend text NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO register (id, teacher, student, suspend) VALUES (1, 'teacherthree@gmail.com', 'studentone@gmail.com', 'R'), (2, 'teacherthree@gmail.com', 'studenttwo@gmail.com', 'S'), (3, 'teacherone@gmail.com', 'studentone@gmail.com', 'R'), (4, 'teacherone@gmail.com', 'studentfour@gmail.com', 'R'), (5, 'teachertwo@gmail.com', 'studenttwo@gmail.com', 'S'), (6, 'teachertwo@gmail.com', 'studentfour@gmail.com', 'R'), (7, 'teacherfour@gmail.com', 'studentone@gmail.com', 'R'), (8, 'teacherfour@gmail.com', 'studenttwo@gmail.com', 'S');

-Go to your project directory -Run on command line like 'npm run dev' -Open one your api services application(for example POSTMAN) -Get all api for your test -API call for example localhost:8000/api/register localhost:8000/api/commonstudents?teacher=teacherone@gmail.com&teacher=teachertwo@gmail.com localhost:8000/api/suspend localhost:8000/api/retrievefornotifications