
A take home assignment from Tensova AI Business Solutions Inc. & MedMinder

Primary LanguageC#


PatientsApi is a take home assignment from Tensova AI Business Solutions Inc. & MedMinder

The Design

PatientsApi was built following the Clean Architecture Design. The design consists of four layers: presentation (The API itself), infrastructure, application, and domain. PatientsApi also incorporate coding patterns such as repository, mediator, and CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation).

Run the Project

  1. Fork and clone the project repository.
  2. Navigate to the project file directory and build the project by typing this command dotnet build.
  3. Run the project by typing this command dotnet run --project .\src\Api\.
  4. To access the SwaggerUI Documentation, open your preferred browser and go to http://localhost:5095/swagger.

Test the Project

  1. Fork and clone the project repository.
  2. Navigate to the project file directory and build the project by typing this command dotnet build.
  3. Test the project by typing this command dotnet test.