
A Ruby interface to the PushBots API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Ruby Wrapper for Pushbots Rest API made with love by Kandiie

Pushbots is a Light SDK for mobile push notifications and now you can use this gem on your favorite Ruby on Rails Projects.

Table of Contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pushbots'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pushbots


# config/initializers/pushbots.rb

Pushbots.configure do |config|
  config.application_id = 'Application ID'
  config.application_secret = 'Application Secret'

How to use:

Device management

Register a device

# token and platform are required to add a device
device = Pushbots::Device.new(token, platform)
# register the device to pushbots returns true/false
# an attempt to register a device
# that has been already registered returns false

Register multiple devices

tokens = ['8js62lsod8',
platform = :ios
tags = ['vip', 'cool_people']
# tokens and platform are required to add multiple devices
# tags is an optional parameter
devices = Pushbots::Devices.new(tokens, platform, tags)
# register the devices to pushbots returns true/false
# an attempt to register a device
# that has been already registered returns false

Delete a device

token = 'k2iwp29271'
platform = :ios
# token and platform are required to delete a device
device = Pushbots::Device.new(token, platform)
# remove the device from pushbots
# returns true if no errors occurred

Device information

# token is required to get device information
token = '182ksiwl29'
# platform is an optional parameter
device = Pushbots::Device.new(token)
# Get device information
# Device token
# Device status
# Device tags


Single device notification

# Device token
token = '82ksh62j1a'
# platform is :ios or :android
# (Any other value will return a RuntimeError)
platform = :ios
# Notification message
message = 'Hello World!!!'
# Build up the notification
# platform, message, token and sound (required parameters).
# options (custom fields) (optional parameter)
push = Pushbots::One.new(platform, token, message, sound, options)
push.send # Delivers the notification

Multiple device notification

# platform is an array of valid plataforms (ios or android)
# (Any other value will return a RuntimeError)
platforms = [:ios, :android]
# Notification message
message = 'Hello World!!!'
# Notification schedule (Delivery time)
schedule = DateTime.now
# Build up the notification
# platform, message, schedule (required parameters).
# options (custom fields) (optional parameter)
push = Pushbots::All.new(platforms, message, schedule, options = {})
push.send # Delivers the notification
Read pushbots response
# Your notification response
# Your notification response HTTP code
# Your notification response message
# Response as string

Read more about HTTP codes here


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Kandiie/pushbots. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.