
This repo is for understanding factors effecting customer churn for a telecomm business. It dives into understanding customer traits and preferences, services to predict likelihood of a customer churning out. The data is obtained from kaggle (provided in the website form). This is an ongoing project.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Telco Customer Churn

It is a known fact in Business, to maintain an existing customer is more efficient than to get a new customer. According to this article [1] telecom comapnies may have to spend 50 times more to gain a new customer in compared to maintaining an existing customer. But to maintain an existing customer, company needs to know what is their current attrition rate and what are the factors affecting this attrition. By analyzing the effects, businesses can customize smart marketing strategies to incentivize the right customer segment groups with the right product.

For this customer classification churn project, I analyzed a telecom customer data of size 955KB (7043 X 21) sourced from the Kaggle datasets. The project has 2 Notebooks, an EDA (exploratory data analysis) notebook that draws out the effects of the independent features, their distributions, and effects on each other, and a Modelling notebook that focuses on using different classification models, comparing the performances, hypertuning the models to derive better predictions, and finding out the feature importances from each of the model.


Here's a sample snapshot of the dataset features and types image

Data Description

Most of the features are Categorical in the data set. As such general desriptive statiscs like mean , median can be only applied for numerical features like Tenure, and charges.

  • There are 4 customer features to describe individual customer profile - namely Gender (Male/Female), Partner(Yes/No), Dependants (Yes/No) and SeniorCitizen(Yes/No)
  • Other 16 features describe the services (Phone /Internet) and the specific options in the services that are taken. All the customers would have either a Phone or Interservice with us.
  • Tenure is calculated in months with smallest tenure being 0 months (i.e., these are customers who are within weeks of taking a service) and maximum tenure as 72 months (i.e., 6 years). These are the customers employing business services for more than 6 years.


  • Senior citizen is considered as someone with >60 years of age. So a non senior customer could be either in the working age group or a student.
  • Partner is considered as customer living with someone independant of marital status
  • Dependants are considered as children or parents who are depending on the customers for financial purposes.
  • Phone service may be viewed as landline or mobile connections since phone service also provides multiple lines option.

Summary analysis

Below is an executive summary of this customer base.

  • There are a total of 7043 customers accumulated over a 6 year period.
  • 83% of customers are working/student class group of customers with 54% of them having both Phone and Internet service. There is an observed 25% of churn in this customer group over the years.
  • However among the Senior citizens there is more churning, with most of them under a monthly service plan. This could be due to financial reasons. image
  • 70% of customers don't have any dependencies and 50% of customers dont have any partners. So it could be that there are majorly customers with service subscriptions only for themselves.
  • Customers with partners and/or dependants prefer a yearly contracts and have less churning. Customer with immediate family(working class) would not prefer to keep changing service operator.
  • We have 12% higher phone service subscriptions over Internet subscriptions. We can draw out a hypothesis that our customers view us as a Phone service company.
  • There is a total churn proportion of 26.5% with 93% of these customers having an Internet service connection.
  • 69% of churned customers have opted for an Fiber optice service as compared to 24.5% of the churned customers with DSL services. This can be a lacking internet service provision with Fiber optic either due to poor infrastructure or poor bandwidths. image
  • Total charges is linearly related to Monthly charges and Tenure. image
  • Customers with a higher monthly charges but with a lifetime of less than one year have higher chances of Churning out.


First the data is preprocessed and few features are engineered based on the EDA. The modified data is put through 3 models developed using

  • Logistic Regression (This is a binary classification problem, to predict whether a customer churns(1) or does not churn (0). A logistitc regression would be the simplest to work with)
  • KNN (This is a simple parametric model and this can be considered as a baseline too)
  • Random forest (Random forest would be defintely helpful to evaluate if the required features are getting the importance).

Data preprocessing

Tenure (in months) is replaced to Tenure_in_yrs, as the average tenure of non churning customers was observed to be more than an year. Similarly monthly charges has been replaced to be in 100's of $ changing the range from 0-1. Similarly total charges is also changed to 1000's of dollars. In the function transform_categorical_data, all the dichotomous features are converted with LabelEncoder() and for other categorical variables pandas get_dummies() is used. Dropping of the customer id, the size of the data for modelling is 7043 X 24 as compared to 7043 X 21.

Feature Engineering

To reduce the number of features, customers with a family (either partner or dependants) was created, as there is no additional features to indicate specifically for only partner / dependants . This can be also performed with streaming TV, streaming Movies to be modified to a general streaming services if one of them doesnt have a significant impact on the target.

Models metrics

Before we proceed to building the models, lets define the important metrics needed. For this project I focused on accuracy and verified different models performance with AUC score.

Evaluating the models

Three supervised algorithms are considered for this classficiation - logistics regression (parametric approach), KNN and Randomd forest (as non parametric approach)

  • Running the logistic regression model without any hypertuning gives us an accuracy of 79.7% with auc at 84%. The training and test score of this model are close to each other. There may be an underfitting occuring over here. Hypertuning this model didnot change the acuracy much. (Accuracy 79.9%)
  • KNN model gives a hight training score of 97% with testing score at 75.5%. Even the auc score is only 74.7%
  • Random forest gives a similar performance of prediction i.e., auc score of 80% and 77.5% accuracy. With hypertuning of this model these results came same as logistic regression (80.4% accuracy, 84% auc score)

References :: [1] https://business.financialpost.com/technology/big-telecoms-are-spending-more-cash-to-keep-customers-but-some-tactics-raise-concerns