
README.md generator application that automates, simplifies, and speeds up the process of creating README.md files for your github repositories. The README.md file in this repository was generated using the app. This is a command-line application that runs using Node.js with the npm packages inquirer and axios installed.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Command-line README.md Generator



This README-generator application automates, simplifies, and speeds up the process of creating README.md files for your github repositories. This README.md file was generated using the app. This is a command-line application that runs using Node.js with the following npm packages installed:

  • file-system
  • inquirer
  • axios


Github repo url: https://github.com/Kane-R/README-generator

Deployed url: https://Kane-R.github.io/README-generator/

Table of Contents


To install this README.md generator application, clone or download this entire repository.


  • To run this application and generate a README.md file, similar to this one, type "node index.js" in your terminal
  • First ensure you are in the correct directory in your terminal. The correct directory will contain index.js (look for "// This is the index.js file you need to run to generate your README.me..." at the top of index.js)

NOTE: Before running this application for the first time on your local machine, it's likely or possible you'll need to install:

  • The file-system npm package (Enter "npm install file-system --save" in the application’s root directory);
  • The inquirer npm package (Enter "npm install inquirer" in the application’s root directory), and;
  • The axios npm package (Enter "npm install axios" in the application’s root directory)


The MIT Licence


To contribute, please first send your credit card details to the email address in the Questions section at the bottom of this README.md file :) joking. Please get in touch with me via email if you'd like to contribute.


No test information is available at this time.


Contact: Kane Robinson Email: Kane@KanesTrades.com