
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Analysis and Classification

This code performs data analysis and classification tasks on a dataset of books. It includes the following main steps:

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

  • Reads data from a CSV file (books_1.Best_Books_Ever.csv).
  • Extracts and converts the bookId column to integers.
  • Drops rows with missing values in specific columns.
  • Extracts and preprocesses data for analysis, including handling genres and authors.

Data Analysis

  • Generates various insights and statistics about the dataset.
  • Creates histograms and displays information about book ratings and page counts.

Recommendation System

Bigrams and Unigrams

  • Utilizes the TF-IDF vectorization technique for bigrams and unigrams.
  • Calculates cosine similarities between book descriptions.
  • Provides book recommendations based on cosine similarity.


Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Classifier (SVC)

  • Preprocesses textual data using Word2Vec.
  • Performs classification using Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Classifier.
  • Evaluates model performance with precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy metrics.