
A server-client app that counts votes of some political parties made by the scripts

Primary LanguageC

Server(poller)-Client(pollSwayer) application for vote counting
Assignment 2 for Κ24 - System-Programming Semester 2022 - 2023

Author: sdi2000064 - Konstantinos Kanellakis


This project implements a server-client application for conducting a pre-election poll. The server, called poller, listens for client connections, receives votes, and stores them in a log file. The client, called pollSwayer, reads a list of voter names and votes from an input file and sends them to the server.

How to Run the Application

  1. Compilation/Execution:

    • Compile the server (poller) and client (pollSwayer) applications using the following command:
      make all
    • Run the server (poller) with the following command:
      ./poller [portnum] [numWorkerthreads] [bufferSize] [poll-log] [poll-stats]
    • Run the client (pollSwayer) with the following command:
      ./pollSwayer [serverName] [portNum] [inputFile.txt]
  2. Scripts:

    • Use the following scripts for various tasks:
      • create_input.sh: Generates an input file with random voter names and votes.
        ./create_input.sh politicalParties.txt numLines
      • tallyVotes.sh: Counts the number of votes each party received from the input file.
        ./tallyVotes.sh inputFile
      • processLogFile.sh: Counts the number of votes for each party from the poll-log file.
        ./processLogFile.sh poll-log
  3. Checking Results:

    • To check if the poller and tallyVotes results match, run the following commands:
      cmp pollerResultsFile tallyResultsFile
      sort -o poll-stats poll-stats
      cmp tallyResultsFile poll-stats

Programming Design Choices - Server (poller)

  • The server implementation utilizes multiple threads and synchronization mechanisms such as mutexes and condition variables.
  • The main thread accepts client connections and places them in a buffer for worker threads to handle.
  • Worker threads read requests from the clients, record votes, and update the log and stats files.
  • The server ensures synchronization between the master thread and worker threads using condition variables and mutexes.

Programming Design Choices - Client (pollSwayer)

  • The client application creates a thread for each line in the input file.
  • Each thread connects to the server and sends the voter's name and vote.
  • The client continues to read lines from the input file until all votes are sent.


  • The implementation does not have any memory leaks.
  • The server runs until it receives a SIGINT (Ctrl+C) signal.
  • The results are stored in the poll-stats file when the server terminates.


The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with system programming in a Unix environment. It involves threading and network communication, specifically implementing a multithreaded server and a client application.

Problem 1: Multi-threaded network server

The server application, poller, runs a pre-election poll. It accepts connections from clients, receives votes, and stores them in log and stats files.

Problem 2: Batch client for testing purposes

The client application, pollSwayer, reads voter names and votes from an input file and sends them to the server for recording.

Problem 3: Bash scripts

Bash scripts are provided to assist in debugging the program and generating input files. These scripts include create_input.sh, tallyVotes.sh, and processLogFile.sh.

For more details on each problem and the implementation, please refer to the comments in the code files or send me a message.