
Transformer and Neural Operator for solving Stochastic PDE

Primary LanguagePython

Fourier-Transformer for solving Fokker-Planck PDE

Transformer for solving the problem in Stochastic Local Volatility


2022.May.09, 11:00AM~12:15Noon, with Dr. Shuhao Cao, Ziheng Wang, and Deqing Jiang at Mathematical Institute.



  • Problems remian in this week
    • Only a set of PDEs are suitable for Fourier Transform.
    • Why sample is 256*256 and downsample is 64*64, what has downsampling done here?
    • How MCMC using FNO?
    • To solve different PDEs, do we need to change the code in the FNO?
      • Or the info has been included in the dataset by sampling.
    • We need to solve a two dimensional difussion equation.
      • """
        @author: Zongyi Li
        This file is the Fourier Neural Operator for 3D problem
        such as the Navier-Stokes equation discussed in Section 5.3
        in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.08895.pdf),
        which takes the 2D spatial + 1D temporal equation directly as a 3D problem
      • In the class SpectralConv3d(nn.Module):
        #Compute Fourier coeffcients up to factor of e^(- something constant)
        x_ft = torch.fft.rfftn(x, dim=[-3,-2,-1])
        # Multiply relevant Fourier modes
        out_ft = torch.zeros(batchsize, self.out_channels, x.size(-3), x.size(-2), x.size(-1)//2 + 1, dtype=torch.cfloat, device=x.device)
        out_ft[:, :, :self.modes1, :self.modes2, :self.modes3] = \
        self.compl_mul3d(x_ft[:, :, :self.modes1, :self.modes2, :self.modes3], self.weights1)
        out_ft[:, :, -self.modes1:, :self.modes2, :self.modes3] = \
        self.compl_mul3d(x_ft[:, :, -self.modes1:, :self.modes2, :self.modes3], self.weights2)
        out_ft[:, :, :self.modes1, -self.modes2:, :self.modes3] = \
        self.compl_mul3d(x_ft[:, :, :self.modes1, -self.modes2:, :self.modes3], self.weights3)
        out_ft[:, :, -self.modes1:, -self.modes2:, :self.modes3] = \
        self.compl_mul3d(x_ft[:, :, -self.modes1:, -self.modes2:, :self.modes3], self.weights4)
        #Return to physical space
        x = torch.fft.irfftn(out_ft, s=(x.size(-3), x.size(-2), x.size(-1)))
    • How does the advantage of operator learning functions in this lab?
      • Does it not need to train again with different intial condition or boundrary condition.
      • Perhaps. As the Operator is learnt. So one of the three condtion has been solved, with the other two to be the intial condition and boundrary condition.
  • Try with FNO for basic set up of the experiment.
  • The FNO model for solving entire family of PDEs.
  • By now there is no need to focus on the Galerkin Transformer, as it only provides a better precision on results.
  • We will focus more on the FNO in the next stages.
  • The FNO is more focused on solving a family of PDEs without try to train the neural network from the scratch, such as when the initial condition or the boundary condition change.