TwO-O-Player Math Game

This simple 2 player OOP-based command-line game was created using Ruby. Players take turns to answer simple math addition problems. A new math question is generated for each turn by picking two numbers between 1 and 20. The player whose turn it is is prompted the question and must answer correctly or lose a life.


  • Game: This class will manage the flow of the game, prompting player 1 and player 2 to input the correct answer to the addition problem.
  • Player: This class will keep track of the player's name, and their current point (a.k.a. life)

Game Methods

The methods below are private, as they don't need to be accessed outside of the scope of the Game class.

  • The game needs to generate two random number between 1 and 20 for summation question. This will be done using rand_num
  • The Game has to switch between asking player 1 for the correct answer, and asking player 2 for the answer. This will be done via set_player. This function takes in 2 player class as input.
  • Since we will be repeatedly checking to see if either of the player has reached the lifepoint 0, we will implement the function game_over? to return a boolean to indicate the status of the game.
  • After the game is over, the lifepoints for both players will be reset back to 3 using life_reset. This function also prevents anyone from starting out the game with more than 3 life.