Released code for [sigmod'21] A learned Sketch for Subgraph Counting

Primary LanguagePython

LSS: A Learned Sketch for Subgraph Counting

A PyTorch + torch-geometric implementation of LSS, as described in the paper: Kangfei Zhao, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Hao Zhang, Qiyan Li, Yu Rong. A Learned Sketch for Subgraph Counting


python 3.7
torch >= 1.5.0
torch-geometric 1.6

Import the conda environment by running

conda env create -f gpcard.yml
conda activate gpcard

Quick Start

Running cross validation

python active_train.py    \
       --dataset aids     \
       --embed_type prone \
       --mode cross_val   

Running active learning

python active_train.py \
       --dataset aids \
       --mode train \
       --embed_type prone \
       --active_iters 1 \
       --uncertainty consist

Running ensemble (active) learning

python active_train.py \
       --dataset aids \
       --mode ensemble \
       --embed_type prone \
       --ensemble_num 5 \
       --active_iters 1 

Key Parameters

All the parameters with their default value are in active_train.py

name type description
model_type String type of GCN layer (GIN, GINE, GAT, NN, GCN, SAGE, NNGIN, NNGINConcat)
num_layers Int number of GNN layers
embed_type String the node feature encoding, (freq, n2v, prone, nrp, prone_concat)
pool_type String type of the substructure pooling layer (att, mean, max, sum)
epochs Int number of training epochs
batch_size Int mini-batch size for sgd
num_fold Int number of folder for cross validate
k Int number of hops to decompose query graphs
learning rate Float learning rate
multi_task Bool enable/disable the count classification task, for active learning
num_ensemble Int number of LSS modes for model ensemble
active_iters Int number of iteration for active learning
budget Int number of query to selected for each iteration of active learning
uncertainty String uncertainty function for active learning, e.g., entropy, margin, confident

Project Structure

active_train.py # project extrance, parameters settings
train.py        # deprecated codes for only supervied training
QuerySampler.py # data and query graph preprocessing, query decomposition
Queryset.py     # input encoding, torch dataloader
util.py         # model load/save
baseline.py     # old codes for result evaluation
        ActiveLearner.py             # source of the active learner
    /cardnet                    # source of the LSS model
        GINlayers.py                 # revised GIN layers (NNGIN, NNGINConcat)
        layers.py                    # basic layers
        model.py                     # LSS model
    /scripts                    # old scripts for testing
    /data                       # aids dataset sample to run the code
        /dataset/aids                # graph data
        /queryset_homo/aids          # queries
        /true_homo/aids              # true count of the queries in queryset_homo
        /prone/aids                  # prone embdding matrix and node mapping file

To use your own dataset, you can put the data graphs, queries, true counts, and embedding to '/data/dataset/DATASET_NAME', '/data/queryset_homo/DATASET_NAME', '/data/true_homo/DATASET_NAME', '/data/prone/DATASET_NAME', respectively, and set the args.dataset to DATASET_NAME in 'active_train'.py

The format of input query graph and data graph follows GCARE.


Open an issue or send email to zkf1105@gmail.com if you have any problem

Cite Us

  author    = {Kangfei Zhao and
               Jeffrey Xu Yu and
               Hao Zhang and
               Qiyan Li and
               Yu Rong},
  title     = {A Learned Sketch for Subgraph Counting},
  booktitle = {{SIGMOD} '21},
  pages     = {2142--2155},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  year      = {2021}