- 0
Error in response to tabs.query: TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined
#172 opened by Jai-Kumaresh - 4
Advanced Context Menu?
#128 opened by jgodi - 1
How to load kango extension in the chrome browser.
#168 opened by yasirrose - 0
incompatibility with FF 57.0.1
#171 opened by alexvaa - 2
Publish addon in mozilla AMO
#170 opened by alireza-ansaripour - 2
- 6
Submit version 1.8.0 to
#157 opened by adamn - 3
[Firefox][1.8.0], content-script's messageListener callback doesn't have access to window.* properties
#167 opened by ferdibiflator - 2
- 0
- 1
Build crashed if default_locate is not "en"
#165 opened by VitalyOrbit - 0
Chrome-instant functionality create bug.
#164 opened by AlexisN - 0
Extension icon re-appears in Firefox
#163 opened by thekevinbrown - 0
Xml documents won't load properly in firefox.
#162 opened by SplatDevs - 0
Unable to set locale
#161 opened by dhobaleabhijit - 0
Is it possible to use angular js in kango?
#160 opened by dhobaleabhijit - 0
I want to create IE extension using kango
#159 opened by shivam01990 - 3
Need kango 1.7.9 ver
#156 opened by klochko - 3
Firefox behaves badly
#152 opened by ar7casper - 3
IE fails to stringify/parse arrays
#154 opened by ar7casper - 1
Chrome extension not working
#158 opened by ierror - 2
[Firefox] Kango 1.7.9 has not been approved by AMO
#141 opened by longman694 - 0
Request: Python 3 support
#155 opened by StephenBrown2 - 4
Safari icon black?
#150 opened by dovy - 1
Firefox dev?
#151 opened by dovy - 1
Need commercial license
#146 opened by sgavade - 0
[firefox]: bugfix options_page
#149 opened by zloidemon - 0
Update documentation as per request in #147
#148 opened by thekevinbrown - 2 requires "tabs" permission on Chrome when it doesn't need to
#147 opened by thekevinbrown - 5
Firefox e10s support in Kango
#144 opened by olloff - 8
- 0
kango.ui.notifications not working
#145 opened by ar7casper - 1
ContextMenuIItem not working in IE11
#143 opened by dthomp24 - 3
dispatchMessage not working in IE11 - kango 1.7.9
#137 opened by dthomp24 - 0
working with iframe
#142 opened by nexspy - 3
- 1
Does Kango have screen shot support?
#132 opened by itonics-tbeauvais - 0
- 5
kango.ui.notifications do not work in firefox
#139 opened by iamolivinius - 0
- 2
- 2
Including jQuery 1.11.1 causes errors on some pages on IE <= 10 [Kango ver1.7.9]
#134 opened by ThoranCheLadra - 2
Cannot run content script on file:// URLs
#135 opened by ThoranCheLadra - 1
Access browser's settings ?
#129 opened by enguerranws - 6
- 1
Sandboxing in IE
#130 opened by duncanmhor - 1
update_firefox.xml id in about attribute
#127 opened by pcassis - 3
dispatchMessage - doesn't work in firefox
#125 opened - 1
Unable to add multiple context menu items
#124 opened - 2