
An component WebView for iOS base on WKWebView

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


An component WebView for ios


PAWeView is an extensible WebView which is built on top of WKWebView, the modern WebKit framework debuted in iOS 8.0. It provides fast Web for developing sophisticated iOS native or hybrid applications.

Sample Project

For a complete example on how to use PAWeView, see the Sample Project.

The Class Structure Chart of PAWeView

Image text

Minimum Requirements

  • Deployment: iOS 8.0


  • #import "PAWebView.h"
  • plist
  • Loading
     PAWebView *webView = [PAWebView shareInstance];  
     webView.openCache = YES;    
     [webView loadRequestURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"https://www.sina.cn"]];  
     [self.navigationController pushViewController:webView animated:YES];
  • Refress
  [webView reload];   
  [webView reloadFromOrigin]; 

  • JS->Native
/* messageHander实现JS调用Native */  
- (void)addMessageHander  
  //注入交互事件,实现 PAWKScriptMessageHandler 代理  
   [webView addScriptMessageHandlerWithName:@[@"AliPay",@"weixin"]];  
   [webView addScriptMessageHandlerWithName:@[@"AliPay",@"weixin"] observeValue:^(WKUserContentController *userContentController, WKScriptMessage *message) {  
/* 实现 PAWKScriptMessageHandler 代理 */  
- (void)PAUserContentController: (WKUserContentController *) userContentController  didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message{  
  • Native -> JS
  [[PAWebView shareInstance] callJS:@"alert('调用JS成功')"];  
  [[PAWebView shareInstance] callJS:@"alert('调用JS成功')" handler:^(id response, NSError *error) {  
  • Cooikes Manager
 //webView setcookie:<#(NSHTTPCookie *)#>    
  [webView WKSharedHTTPCookieStorage];   
 // 删除缓存中所有的cookies  
  [webView deleteAllWKCookies];