

  • Responsive Design: The application is designed to provide a seamless user experience across various screen sizes and orientations.
  • Error Handling: The dio_helper.dart file efficiently manages API requests and displays user-friendly error dialogs when issues occur.
  • Minimalistic Animations: Minimalistic animations are incorporated to enhance the user interface and provide subtle visual feedback.
  • Dark Theme Support

Dependencies Used

  • mocktail: For mocking classes for testing.
  • flutter svg: For rendering svgs.
  • flutter_bloc: State management.
  • dio: HTTP client for Dart, providing features like interceptors, FormData, and more.
  • device_info_plus: To retrieve information about the device.
  • get_it: Dependency injection

Online Emulation with

You can test the app online using Click the following link to access the online emulator:

Open Emulator

Download APK

To manually install the app on an Android device or emulator, you can download the APK file here