Hey, I'm Phin 👋

I'm a 20 year old developer and founder.

🔭 Current

I'm currently working on Hop - we're a cloud platform focusing on supporting real-time, high-bandwidth applications. With Hop Ignite, you can deploy any app to Hop directly from GitHub and achieve global low-latency content delivery - it's super easy, and we'll automatically handle new builds and rollouts when you push to the main branch. :)

⚡️ Experience

I like to say that I'm full-stack, though I'm mostly experienced in real-time systems. I highly leverage Elixir to build scalable realtime systems, and I pair that with React on the frontend. I've been working with React for about 5 years, Elixir for almost 4, and JavaScript for more than 6 years.

📫 Contact

To contact me quickly and easily, DM me on Twitter.

If it makes more sense, you can also email me:

General Inquiries: phin@phineas.io
Hop-related Inquiries: phin@hop.io

If your inquiry is related to a network I manage or control (e.g. AS952 or AS399531), please send an email to my email listed on the respective WHOIS contact. If it's a P1 emergency, you can email ops@sakuraji.ma.