
An Android application that provides both online and offline search functionality for Movies and TV shows from TheMovieDB open API. Written in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose toolkit, a modern way for designing Android UI. This project is tested(Unit Testing), it's not Legacy code.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Movie Guru

An Android application that provides both online and offline search functionality for Movies and TV shows from TheMovieDB open API. Written in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose toolkit, a modern way for designing Android UI. This project is tested(Unit Testing), it's not Legacy code.



  • Kotlin
  • MVVM Clean Architecture
  • Compose navigation (one activity, zero fragments)
  • Retrieve Network Data from API (REST API)
  • Retrofit2 & OkHttp3
  • Database caching (Room)
  • Pagination
  • Monitoring Network Connectivity
  • Dependency Injection (HILT)
  • Use cases
  • Datastore (New Shared Preferences)
  • Unit Testing (Junit5)
  • MockWebServer (Okhttp)
  • Kotlin Flow
  • Dependency management with Kotlin kts
  • Queue system for managing error messages (Dialogs) "First in first out"
  • Shimmer Animation


The data for movies/TV shows is fetched from TheMovieDB open API. The app supports online and offline functionality.

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