Leeroy Jenkins

Messing up your perfectly planned system.


Editing iptables to mimic network gray outs is scary. Wouldn't it be nice to have a tool that does exactly what you want in an easy to write / read way and provides you a reset button in case things don't work the way you expect it to? Me too!


  • Bundler
  • Ruby >= 2.2.1, may work on >= 2.0, but haven't tested it.
  • Linux distributions with iptables and at
  • sudo access

How to use

  1. git clone
  2. bundle
  3. bin/leeroy will display a prompt with available commands
  4. bin/leeroy <command> --help will display options available to that command.

All commands require --for_reals flag to actually run. Otherwise LeeroyJenkins will output to the commands it will run.

Available Commands (aka Disruptions)


This command will ssh into a target server and create iptable rules aimed to drop packets at random. This will create latency, as packets need to be resent over the wire, or simulate half-open connections, where the target can communicate to outside services but won't get a response back (because all incoming packets will be dropped). This command also comes with a default escape hatch which will trigger in 1 hour.

Required arguments:

  • -t, --target=TARGET pass the url of the server which you'd like to cause a network disruption on. For example if I want to randomly drop packets on server web-server, Leeroy Jenkins will run ssh 'whoami'@web-server and change iptables on that box.

Fire Drill

This command will run a process which will randomly ssh into your servers and run disruptions. Leeroy will know about your services and their dependencies by reading a yaml file. The format should be like:

    url: web.example.com
      - db
      - api
    url: api.example.com
      - facebook.com
    url: db.examplc.com

Dependencies can be the name of other services you've described in your yaml file, or the url of a vendor.

Network is currently the only available disruption, more to come in the future!

Running Tests

bundle exec rspec