
Arduino code to control BB8-Arduino with PS3 Controller

Primary LanguageC++

BB8 Arduino

The project was made by Samuel Piatanesi and Luca Ruschioni during studies at ITIS Meucci Castelfidardo, Italy. We have developed a clone of BB-8, the famous droid of Star Wars VII.

We have used Arduino with USB Host Shield and Adafruit Motor Shield. You can control it with a common PS3 controller.

In this repository you can download the Arduino code: our project is OPEN-SOURCE, so you can edit the code and try to help us to improve the movement of our BB8!

Full Instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Life-Size-BB8-With-Arduino

My website: https://www.samuelpiatanesi.it/bb8.php