
How to compile the apache2.2.x's mod_encoding? Here it is.


How to compile the apache2.2.x's mod_encoding? Here it is.

Download the original files


Unpack & Replace & Patch

  • Unpack:

      $ tar -xzf mod_encoding-20021209.tar.gz
  • Replace with .c file for apache2.2.x (as the older file for apache1.3):

      $ cd mod_encoding-20021209
      $ cp ../mod_encoding.c.apache2.20040616 mod_encoding.c
  • Patch:

      $ patch -p0 < ../mod_encoding.c-apache2.2-20060520.patch

Build & Install mod_encoding

  • Compile iconv-hook

      $ cd lib
      $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
      $ make
  • Install apxs tool for building apache modules:

      $ yum install httpd-devel.x86_64

Then, we get apxs at:/usr/sbin/apxs

  • Build & install mod_encoding.so

      $ ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-iconv-hook=/usr/include
      $ make
      $ gcc -shared -o mod_encoding.so mod_encoding.o -Wc,-Wall -Llib -liconv_hook
      $ cp mod_encoding.so /etc/httpd/modules/

Config & Restart apache2.2.x

  • Find lines in file httpd.conf for loading apache modules, add a line:

      LoadModule encoding_module modules/mod_encoding.so
  • Inner the right VirtualHost directive of that file, add lines:

      <IfModule mod_encoding.c>
      	EncodingEngine on
      	NormalizeUsername on
      	SetServerEncoding GBK
      	DefaultClientEncoding UTF-8 GBK GB2312
  • Restart apache

      sudo service httpd stop
      sudo service httpd start

Original authors' marvelous works

http://webdav.todo.gr.jp/download/mod_encoding-20021209.tar.gz http://webdav.todo.gr.jp/download/experimental/mod_encoding.c.apache2.20040616 http://www.aconus.com/~oyaji/faq/mod_encoding.c-apache2.2-20060520.patch