
A TypeScript vector and matrix math library.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

ts-matrix: A Typescript vector and matrix math library

ts-matrix is a collection of vector, matrix and quaternion classes written in Typescript with no dependencies.

How to install it

Using npm or yarn

npm install --save ts-matrix
yarn add ts-matrix

Or add the unpkg cdn link to your html

<script src="https://unpkg.com/ts-matrix">

The library is built as an ECMAScript module (.mjs file), but it also exports a UMD version if needed.


Import the module, from Typescript or ES6 javascript.

import { Vector, Matrix } from 'ts-matrix';

Then use the methods as you want :)

const v1 = new Vector([1, 2]);
const v2 = new Vector([3, 1]);
// ==> [4, 3]

Most operation return a new Vector instance.

If you use typescript, the declarations files are available with self documentation.



Instance methods

method description
at(row: number) Get the value of a cell
rows() Returns Vector's size
values() Returns Vector values as an array
indexOf(value: number) Returns the index of the value within the Vector, or -1 if it's not found.
reset() Sets all matrix values to 0
addAValue() Add a new 0 to the Vector
addARow() Add a new empty row to the Matrix
equals(vector: Vector) Checks equality between two vectors
negate() Negates the Vector (change all cells arithmetic sign). Returns a new instance.
length() Returns the vectors length
squaredLength() Returns the vectors squared length
add(vector: Vector) Adds all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension.
subtract(vector: Vector) Subtracts all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension.
multiply(vector: Vector) Multiplies all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension.
divide(vector: Vector) Divides all given values to the current Vector instance. Both vectors must have the same dimension.
scale(scale: number) Multiply all vector values by the given scale.
normalize(scale: number) Computes the normalized Vector.
dot(vector: Vector) Computes the dot product between two Vectors.
cross(vector: Vector) Computes the cross product between two Vectors. Returns new instance
mix(vector: Vector, time: number) Computes the mix product between two Vectors. Returns new instance
angleFrom(vector: Vector) Returns the angle between two Vectors between 0 and +π inclusive
distanceFrom(vector: Vector) Returns the distance (absolute value) between two Vectors
min() Returns the lowest value from the Vector
max() Returns the highest value from the Vector
round() Rounds all vector values to the nearest integer
toString() Returns a visual representation of the Vector as a string

Static methods

method description
get360angle(VectorA: Vector, VectorB: Vector) Compute the angle between two Vectors. Both vectors must be of dimension 3 exactly. The returned angle is signed, thus -180º < angle < 180º


Instance methods

method description
at(row: number, col: number) Get the value of a cell
rows() Returns the number of rows
cols() Returns the number of columns
values() Returns matrix values as a bi-dimentional array
indexOf(value: number) Returns the position - as a tuple - of the value within the Matrix, or [-1, -1] if it's not found.
reset() Sets all matrix values to 0
addAColumn() Add a new empty column to the Matrix
addARow() Add a new empty row to the Matrix
equals(matrix: Matrix) Checks equality between two matrices
setAsIdentity() Fills a squared matrix with the identity values (diagnonal 1)
multiply(matrix: Matrix) Multiply two matrices. Returns a new instance.
determinant Compute the determinant of the matrix.
getCofactor(row: number, col: number) Compute the cofactor of the matrix. Returns a new instance.
transpose() Transpose the matrix. Returns a new instance.
inverse() Inverse the matrix. Returns a new instance.
min() Returns the lowest value from the Matrix
max() Returns the highest value from the Matrix
round() Rounds all matrix values to the nearest integer
toString() Returns a visual representation of the Matrix as a string

Static methods

method description
identity(dimension: number) Returns a new squared identity Matrix


Any contribution is welcome, whether it is an issue, PullRequest, or just a comment!

Made with love by Florent Catiau-Tristant (@kapcash)

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