
Instagram clone built in Flutter with some advanced amazing features.

Primary LanguageDart


FlutterGram is an Instagram clone built with Flutter.

Tech Stack

Frontend: Flutter, Provider, Dart.

Backend: Firebase, Firestore


  • Authentication - Login/Signup
  • Realtime Feed for Posts
  • Creating posts with Camera / Select from Gallery
  • Searching Users
  • Personal Profile Screen
  • Realtime Trending Posts Tab
  • Like/Dislike posts
  • Commenting on Posts
  • Caching for Images
  • Push Notifications


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/Kapil619/FlutterGram.git

Go to the project directory

  cd fluttergram

Install dependencies

  flutter pub add

Start the application

  flutter run


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at kapilbadokar321@gmail.com

Future Improvements

  • Authentication with Mobile Number

  • Instagram Stories Feature

  • In App Messaging