
Error parsing MathML: not well-formed Line Number 1, Column 120

hmedina opened this issue · 0 comments

The HTML documentation at http://dev.executableknowledge.org/docs/KaSim-manual-master/KaSim_manual.htm has a bug that prevents the document form displaying completely. It seems the sentence that defines the activity of a hybrid rule is the last chunk before the document gets truncated with the MathML script aborting on some invalid syntax.


Error parsing MathML: not well-formed Line Number 1, Column 120:<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mtext class="texttt" mathvariant="monospace"><mstyle  class="text"><mtext class="texttt" mathvariant="monospace" >|<mtext class="textit" mathvariant="italic">lhs|*r</mtext>, where -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^