
Influence map resets every ~20s in "track cursor" mode

hmedina opened this issue · 1 comments

Since #539 was closed, there has been a "jump to" rule option for the static influence map, called "track cursor".

When the caret is over the string declaring the name of an observable, the influence map displays the tabular form for the incoming/outgoing influences on this observable. However, every ~20s, something happens that causes the tabular form to reset to pointing at Origin (i.e. first rule in the model), even though the caret has not moved from the observable's string name.

  1. This reset should not let KaSa lose focus on what's the caret on
  2. The GUI should support having the caret at more than just the string name of the observable, like the observable's kappa expression, the flanking pipes |, the %obs:, the whitespace between %obs: and the observable's name... I say the entire entry should point to the observable (I'd say entire line, but lines only have meaning where newlines are meaningful, which is not the case since KappaV4 syntax...).