
Using the KaSim API as a dependency

Closed this issue · 4 comments

As a result of this issue, I am trying to update the code for counterfactual resimulation.

However, I am stuck at the very beginning when I am trying to write a dune file listing kappa-library as a dependency. I successfully did opam install kappa-library but then if I write the following dune file:

  (name resimulation)
  (libraries kappa-library))

I get the following message from dune:

Error: Library "kappa-library" not found.

I get the same error with kappa_library, Kappa_library, kappa_runtime...

DOes anyone have some directions on how to use KaSim as a dependency in an OCaml project?

From my dusty notes on how to get TQL up and running:

For KaSim:
opam pin add kappa-library git+https://github.com/Kappa-Dev/KaSim.git
opam pin add kappa-binaries git+https://github.com/Kappa-Dev/KaSim.git
For WebSim:
opam pin add kappa-agents git+https://github.com/Kappa-Dev/KaSim.git
opam pin add kappa-server git+https://github.com/Kappa-Dev/KaSim.git

You may need to update the path, as the repo is not called KaSim anymore, but KappaTools

I did the above, but then dune does not recognize kappa-library as an existing library.

Maybe some of the debugging steps done here can help?


Thanks Hector, this actually solved my problem.

Running dune installed-libraries suggested that I fix my dune file as follows:

  (name resimulation)
  (libraries kappa-library.generic kappa-library.runtime kappa-library.terms))