
The github repository for the final project of 2023 NTHU Machine Learning about Upgraded AdaFace.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Masked AdaFace

The github repository for the final project of 2023 NTHU Machine Learning about Upgraded AdaFace. report link


conda create --name adaface pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda activate adaface
conda install scikit-image matplotlib pandas scikit-learn 
pip install -r requirements.txt


Preparing Dataset

For Traing and High Quality Validation datasets

  1. Download the dataset from insightface link
  2. Unzip it to a desired location, DATASET_ROOT ex) /data/.
  3. The result folder we will call DATASET_NAME, ex) faces_webface_112x112.

For Mixed Quality Validation datasets

  1. Download the dataset from ijb
  2. Move the Updated Meta data into corresponding folder

Masking Datasets

API Installation

git clone https://github.com/aqeelanwar/MaskTheFace.git
pip install -r MaskTheFace/requirements.txt

For Traing and High Quality Validation datasets

python convert.py --rec_path <DATASET_ROOT>/<DATASET_NAME> --make_image_files --make_validation_memfiles

For Mixed Quality Validation datasets

python convert_IJB.py --rec_path <DATASET_ROOT>/<DATASET_NAME>

Argument Explanation
dataset_path Path to the image file or a folder containing images to be masked.
mask_type Select the mask to be applied. Available options are 'N95', 'surgical_blue', 'surgical_green', 'cloth', 'empty' and 'inpaint'. The details of these mask types can be seen in the image above. More masks will be added
pattern Selects the pattern to be applied to the mask-type selected above. The textures are available in the masks/textures folder. User can add more textures.
pattern_weight Selects the intensity of the pattern to be applied on the mask. The value should be between 0 (no texture strength) to 1 (maximum texture strength)
color Selects the color to be applied to the mask-type selected above. The colors are provided as hex values.
color_weight Selects the intensity of the color to be applied on the mask. The value should be between 0 (no color strength) to 1 (maximum color strength)
masked_ratio Select the proportion of people being masked in the dataset
code Can be used to create specific mask formats at random. More can be found in the section below.
verbose If set to True, will be used to display useful messages during masking


  • Sample run scripts are provided in script
  • EX) Run bash script/run_ir50_ms1mv2.sh after changing the --data_root and --train_data_path to fit your needs.
  • [IMPORTANT] Once the training script has started, check if your image color channel is correct by looking at the sample stored in <RUN_DIR>/training_samples.

Our Pretrained Models

Note that our pretrained model takes the input in BGR color channel. This is different from the InsightFace released model which uses RGB color channel.

Arch Dataset Link
R50 Masked CASIA-WebFace gdrive
R50 Maked MS1MV2 gdrive

Our masked data

Dataset Link
CASIA-Webface gdrive
High Quality Valadaion data gdrive
Asian-Celeb gdrive
IJBC-C gdrive
IJBC-B gdrive
MS1MV2 Due to work statation issue, it will be uploaded later.


Download Neccessary Model Weights

Build Recognition Face Database

  • Save one photo of faces of specific person under ./face_database/ID/[ID] folder.
  • Restrictions of photos:
    1. Contains only one face.
    2. Faced forward.
    3. Without mask.
    4. File name contains only English, name can be arbitrary.
  • Then run below instruction.
python build_database.py --database_savedir ./face_database

Inference by Video

After building database, if webcam is available:

python inference_video.py -- source 0 \\ your webcam number

If yoy want to take raw images as input:

python inference_frame.py -- source test_images \\ image directory

below is the code snippet, which can be considered the core of the entire program.

for det_index, (*xyxy, conf, cls)in enumerate(reversed(det[:, :6])):
    kpts = det[det_index, 6:]
    facial5points = kpt_tensor_to_list(det[len(det) - det_index - 1, 6:])
    warped_face = warp_and_crop_face(np.array(im0), facial5points, self.refrence, crop_size=self.crop_size)
    bgr_tensor_input = to_input(warped_face, True).to(self.device)
    feature, _ = fr_model(bgr_tensor_input)
    similarity_scores = feature @ database.T
  • Note that det is the variable storing information about detected objects (faces) during the video detection process by the FP32 model.
  • Facial Key Points Extraction: It retrieves the facial key points (kpts) associated with the detected face from the prediction results.
  • Face Warping and Cropping: Using the facial key points, the code employs the warp_and_crop_face function to warp and crop the face region from the original image (im0).
  • Calculating similarity: Utilizes matrix multiplication (@ operator) to compute the dot product of the feature vector with each feature vector in the database.


  • image
  • image

Connect to Firebase

  • Follow the instructions of firebase official website.
  • To get serviceAccountKey.json:
    • click "產生新的私密金鑰" image
    • store the generated file as serviceAccountKey.json under this directory.
  • After above operations, run python code below to initialize your database.
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import firestore

cred = credentials.Certificate("./serviceAccountKey.json")

db = firestore.client()
# put your ID_list in it.
users = {

student_id_list_ref = db.collection("students").document("student_id_list")
  • The structure of database is adjustable, with also adjust the create_class() and student_arrive() function in align.py.
  • Then design an website using firebase hosting.
  • For the website we deigned, refer to Group5 Attendence Record.

High Quality Image Validation Sets (LFW, CFPFP, CPLFW, CALFW, AGEDB)

For evaluation on 5 HQ image validation sets with pretrained models, refer to

bash validation_hq/eval_5valsets.sh
R50 CASIA-WebFace AdaFace 0.9942 0.9641 0.8997 0.9323 0.9438 0.9468
R50 CASIA-WebFace (masked) AdaFace 0.9906 0.9315 0.8765 0.9306 0.9195 0.9297
R50 MS1MV2 AdaFace 0.9982 0.9786 0.9283 0.9607 0.9785 0.9688
R50 MS1MV2 (masked) AdaFace 0.9980 0.9497 0.9181 0.9597 0.9725 0.9596

High Quality Masked Image Validation Sets (LFW, CFPFP, CPLFW, CALFW, AGEDB)

For evaluation on 5 HQ masked image validation sets with pretrained models, refer to

bash validation_hq/eval_5valsets.sh
R50 CASIA-WebFace AdaFace 0.9758 0.8959 0.8495 0.9006 0.8775 0.8999
R50 CASIA-WebFace (masked) AdaFace 0.9893 0.9144 0.8658 0.9250 0.9077 0.9204
R50 MS1MV2 AdaFace 0.9925 0.9256 0.9038 0.9478 0.9477 0.9435
R50 MS1MV2 (masked) AdaFace 0.9950 0.9401 0.9150 0.9538 0.9617 0.9531

Mixed Quality Scenario (IJBB, IJBC Dataset)

For masked IJBB, IJBC validation, refer to

cd validation_mixed
bash eval_ijb.sh

A: TAR@FAR = 0.0001% B: TAR@FAR = 0.01%

Arch Dataset Method $IJBB_A$ $IJBB_B$ $IJBC_A$ $IJBC_B$
R50 CASIA-WebFace AdaFace NA 92.95 NA 94.92
R50 CASIA-WebFace (masked) AdaFace NA 92.39 NA 92.85
R50 MS1MV2 AdaFace 94.82 97.59 96.27 98.40
R50 MS1MV2 (masked) AdaFace 93.06 97.67 95.02 98.31

Mixed Quality Scenario (IJBB, IJBC Masked Dataset)

For masked IJBB, IJBC validation, refer to

cd validation_mixed
bash eval_ijb.sh

A: TAR@FAR = 0.0001% B: TAR@FAR = 0.01%

Arch Dataset Method $IJBB_A$ $IJBB_B$ $IJBC_A$ $IJBC_B$
R50 CASIA-WebFace AdaFace NA 50.61 NA 42.48
R50 CASIA-WebFace (masked) AdaFace NA 52.74 NA 50.12
R50 MS1MV2 AdaFace 90.00 96.61 92.52 97.44
R50 MS1MV2 (masked) AdaFace 90.88 97.34 93.04 97.99