These scripts serve to bring an archinstall system up and running quickly.
This is to anticipate the fact that I will probably end up nuking my system for the nth time.

How to run:

From live usb:
pacman -Sy git
git clone
archinstall --config arch_installation_scripts/configs/archinstall/user_configuration.json --disk-layout arch_installation_scripts/configs/archinstall/user_disk_layout.json

After archinstall finishes, exit back into live usb and do:
cp -r arch_installation_scripts /mnt/archinstall/home/{your_username}/
reboot now

Then, from you fresh arch linux install:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/arch_installation_scripts
cd arch_installation_scripts

Finally, use a text editor to edit `` and the files in `configs/`
For git, create a `token.txt` file and type your personal access token in there
Now run:
chmod +x