ReactJS-Hackathon-2022 - MasterDexter

MasterDexter ReactJS Hackathon 2022

Build a landing page for startups including the following features:

  1. Conversion intent: Make an offer people will actually convert on. E.g. Top of the funnel vs. bottom of the funnel visitors need different CTAs
  2. Single conversion goal: Your landing page offers a clear path to conversion. Just one, not many
  3. Message match: Ad copy, message, offer, and tone match landing page copy, message, offer, and tone
  4. Headline/subheadline: Your headline explains the value you’ll provide, and the promise you’ll make; your subheadline introduces your product or service and explains how you’ll create value and deliver your promise
  5. Visuals: Images, graphics, and video make the invisible visible and provide context to your value proposition
  6. Features/benefits: Not just how you’ll do it, but why it matters
  7. Social proof: Shows that other people in the same situation chose you, and makes your offer believable
  8. Form: For lead gen startup pages, your form captures critical lead info so sales can follow up
  9. Call-to-action: Nudges prospects toward the next step in your conversion path
  10. 1:1 Attention ratio: Visitors get distracted easily. Limit the number of links on your landing page to as close as possible.
  11. Irresistible offer: Without an irresistible offer, nothing else matters. Make it matter.

Here are the ideas. You can work on any 1 of them.

  1. Landing Page for a Healthcare startup.
  2. Landing page for a defense startup.
  3. Landing page for an education startup.
  4. Landing page for a crypto startup.
  5. Landing page for a marketing agency.
  6. Landing page for a finance startup.
  7. Landing page for an electric vehicle startup.
  8. Landing page for a Computer Vision startup.

You can find the ideas of design here:



Hackathon Rules and Instructions:

  1. The page should contain all the features mentioned above.
  2. Clone this repo.
  3. create a folder in your local machine with the name of the landing page for ex. - heathcare-startup-yourfullname
  4. add a readme file in that folder along with your code with proper documentation.
  5. commit it.

start date and time: July 15, 2022. 3pm

end date and time: July 20, 2022. 3pm

Note: Commit after the end date will not be considered.