
Linter Config Initialization for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


>> Linter Config Initialization for Python <<




Rubric aims to lower the activation energy required to start a new Python project. Starting a new Python project usually entails—creating a new repo, cloning that to your local machine, creating and activating a virtual environment, manage the dependencies, adding linter configuration, and so on. Doing this over and over again in many different ways that are common in the Python ecosystem can be cumbersome. This also implies, each of your projects will look slightly different in terms of what tools they're using to manage the dependencies and how they're configured.

Also, if you're maintaining multiple repositories where they don't share a common structure on how they manage dependencies, configuration, linting, etc; it can go out of hand pretty quickly. Apart from helping you initialize new projects, Rubric can also help you make your existing Python projects conform to a single setup system.

It doesn't enforce any source code structure. Rather it just assumes that—you'd want to use the following tools to lint and manage your code—and adds a bunch of sensible configuration files to your project's root folder:

  • Black as the primary code formatter.
  • EditorConfig to enforce consistent coding styles for multiple developers.
  • Isort to sort the imports.
  • Flake8 to ensure style guide conformance.
  • Mypy to check the type hints.
  • Pip-tools to manage the dependencies.
  • Pre-commit for managing and maintaining the pre-commit hooks.

Following is a list of config files that Rubric is going to add to your target directory:

├── .editorconfig           # Config file for Editorconfig
├── .flake8                 # Config file for .flake8
├── .gitignore              # Python specific .gitignore file
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml # Config to manage pre-commit hooks.
├── makefile                # Makefile containing the commands to lint your code
├── pyproject.toml          # Toml file to with the configs for mypy, black & isort
├── README.md               # A readme boilerplate
├── requirements-dev.in     # File to specify the top level dev requirements
├── requirements-dev.txt    # File to specify the dev requirements
├── requirements.in         # File to specify the top level app requirements
└── requirements.txt        # File to specify the pinned app requirements

The files will contain minimal but sensible default configurations for the respective tools. You're free to change them as you like.


  • Rubric requires Python 3.8 and up.

  • Make a virtual environment in your project's root directory.

  • Activate the environment and run:

    pip install rubric


  • To inspect all the CLI options, run:

    rubric --help

    You should see the following output:

              Rubric - Isomorphic Project Initializer for Python ⚙️
    usage: rubric [-h] [-l] [-d] [-f  [...]] [-o  [...]] [-a  [...]]
                  [-s  [...]] [-v]
    positional arguments:
      run                   Run rubric & initialize the project scaffold.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
      -l, --list            List the config files that are about to be
      -d , --dirname        Target directory name.
      -f  [ ...], --filename  [ ...]
                            Target file names. Allowed values are: all,
                            .editorconfig, .flake8, .gitignore, .pre-
                            commit-config.yaml, README.md, makefile,
                            pyproject.toml, requirements-dev.in,
                            requirements-dev.txt, requirements.in,
      -o  [ ...], --overwrite  [ ...]
                            Overwrite existing config files. Allowed
                            values are the same as the values accepted by
                            the '-f/--file' flag.
      -a  [ ...], --append  [ ...]
                            Append to existing config files. Allowed
                            values are the same as the values accepted by
                            the '-f/--file' flag.
      -s  [ ...], --show  [ ...]
                            Display the config file contents. Allowed
                            values are the same as the values accepted by
                            the '-f/--file' flag.
      -v, --version         Display the version number.
  • Display a list of config files that are going to be created:

    rubric --list
                Rubric - Isomorphic Project Initializer for Python ⚙️
    Config files that are about to be generated:
    => .editorconfig
    => .flake8
    => .gitignore
    => .pre-commit-config.yaml
    => README.md
    => makefile
    => pyproject.toml
    => requirements-dev.in
    => requirements-dev.txt
    => requirements.in
    => requirements.txt
  • Take a peek into the content of any config file(s):

    rubric --show .flake8 requirements-dev.in

    This will print:

                Rubric - Isomorphic Project Initializer for Python ⚙️
    ================================= .flake8 =================================
    extend-exclude =
    extend-ignore = E203, E266, E501, W605
    # Black's default line length.
    max-line-length = 88
    max-complexity = 18
    # Specify the list of error codes you wish Flake8 to report.
    select = B,C,E,F,W,T4,B9
    # Parallelism
    jobs = 4
    =========================== requirements-dev.in ===========================
    # For linting.
    # For dep management.
    # For testing.
    # For building & uploading to PyPI.
  • Initialize a project with the following command:

    rubric run

    This will run the tool in a non-destructive way—that means it won't overwrite any of the configuration files that you might have in the directory.

  • If you only want to create a selected list of config files, then run:

    rubric run -f requirements*
  • If you want to overwrite any of the existing config files that you might have in the directory, then run:

    rubric run --overwrite filename1 filename2
  • If you want to append the configs to an existing file, then run:

    rubric run --append filename1 filename2
  • You can also point Rubric to a directory.

    rubric run --directory "some/custom/directory"
  • If you want to check and update the configs across multiple repositories in a single sweep, use the following command:

    s="dir1 dir2 dir3"; echo $s | xargs -n 1 -P $(echo $s | wc -w) rubric run -d

    This command will spawn 3 processes to create the config files in dir1, dir2, and dir3 in parallel.

  • You can run the entire linter suite with this command:

    make lint
✨ 🍰 ✨