
This is a REST API which I have built to take readings for vehicles and track the health of the vehicle by giving them alerts on specific events. I have used Spring Boot as my Web Framework and used MySql for persisting data with the help of Hibernate.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

1) Postman -

2) MySql - 
    For MacOs -
    For Windows -
    For Unix/Linux -

3) MySqlWorkbench - 
    For MacOs -
    For Windows -
    For Unix/Linux -

Installation and Working of Project

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

1. Clone the project in your local machine.

2. Open this folder in an IDE(Eclipse, IntelliJ etc).

3. Create a Schema named IoT in MySqlWorkbench/ via MySql CLI anyway you feel comfortable.

4. Now run the Application from the IDE. For running the app in the IDE run

5. Now start your web browser and hit

6. First hit start for http://localhost:8080/vehicles on the right hand site of the site. Then hit start for http://localhost:8080/readings. This will start persisting data in MySql.

7. Now run the below URL's in Postman:
   a) All Vehicle Details : http://localhost:8080/getAllVehicleDetails (GET Request)
   b) Historical Alerts for a vehicle : http://localhost:8080/getVehicleAlerts/{vin} ((GET Request))
       vin - This is the vehicles Identification number (You can see this in the Database in the vehicle table)
   c) High Alerts for all Vehicles in the past 2 hours : http://localhost:8080/getHighAlerts (GET Request)

screen shot 2018-11-15 at 11 16 52 pm

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