NFT deployment showcase for eth. test env. rinkeby and ropsten. Test env. could be customized inside truffle-config.js
- generate the file inside ipfs by running run-script.js with command
NODE_ENV=dev node scripts/run-script.js
by uncommenting following line digital art will be put into ipfs. //const filePath = path.join(**dirname, "../assets/kara.png"); and comment below one. const filePath = path.join(**dirname, "../data/metadata.json");
- generate the file inside ipfs by running run-script.js with command
- after file is created, metadata for file should be put into ipfs that opensea can track of the item and could be shown in metamask after we add in our wallet. By doing to opposite of above uncommenting etc. again, metadata will be pushed into ipfs that we can claim as an itemUri for smart contract after deployment.
- Run following command
npx truffle migrate --network rinkeby
and after deployment success, run one by one following inside truffle console.npx truffe console --network rinkeby
- Run following command
- let art = await Kara.deployed();
- art.claimItem('https://ipfs.io/ipfs/<METADATA-ID-FROM_IPFS>')
- example: await kara.claimItem('https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUt1E7Me8H6Tz8NmUPs42rPA6g5RSDcCdRRHv9zAJQvgM?filename=IMG-20210328-WA0004.jpg')
- Our digital art can be added inside import nft in metamask wallet by contract id and token id (which beginning with 1 and increments 1 by 1 for each item also can be found with claimItem transaction id with command
await art.getTokenId(<ADDRESS_HASH>)
EXAMPLE:await art.getTokenId("0x25Fd9BD0914A0920de80439B7c1FC7c983A50eF9")
- Our digital art can be added inside import nft in metamask wallet by contract id and token id (which beginning with 1 and increments 1 by 1 for each item also can be found with claimItem transaction id with command
test opensea collectibles: