Checking out project

This project can be checked out with the following:

git clone
cd fizzbuzz_kata

FizzBuzz Kata

Since this is a simple exercise, I provided three different solutions. They all have spec written for them. The test suite can be run with:

rspec spec --tag test

If you'd like to run the solutions individually, they can be run with any of the following commands:

ruby if_block_fizzbuzz.rb
ruby concise_fizzbuzz.rb
ruby case_block_fizzbuzz.rb

Databased Katas

To create the database table for these katas, you'll need to run the script:

ruby create_table.rb

For this to work, the script assumes that you have a MySQL instance installed on your local machine with a database of 'fizzbuzz' already created. Once the schema has been created, you can run either of the following scripts:

ruby database_fizzbuzz.rb
ruby mass_updater_fizzbuzz.rb

Run Benchmarks

To see the results of the benchmarking suite, you may run the following command:

rspec spec --tag performance