
GUI program that plots arbitrary user-entered function, with one variable (x) and many types of mathematical functions e.g. (Constant, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Reciprocal).

Primary LanguagePython


Simple and beautiful GUI program that plots arbitrary user-entered function.


  • GUI program that plots arbitrary user-entered mathematical function.
  • Taking a function of x, e.g., 5x^3 + 2x.
  • Also Taking min and max values of x-axis from the user to fit the plot across it.
  • The following operators is supported: + - / * ^.
  • Appropriate input validation has been made.
  • Displaying messages to the user to explain any wrong inputs.



For Code

  1. Python IDE (PyCharm is recommended)
  2. Install numpy package
pip install numpy
  1. Install matplotlib package
pip install matplotlib

For Personal Use

  1. Get to the FunctionPlotter exe Directory
  2. Douple Clicking FunctionPlotter.exe
  3. cmd pops up, wait a little.
  4. Now the app runs, enjoy !

Working Shots

Valid Input

1- Default Function

2- Valid Constant Function

3. Valid Linear Function

4. Valid Respirocal Function

Invalid Input

5. Invalid [p1] Input Function

6. Invalid [p2] Input Function

7. Invalid [p3] Input Function

8. Invalid [p2] Min X

9. Invalid [p3] Max X