
Practicing the Problem Solving Skills Using the Problems Offered by LeetCode Platform, starting from September 2021 till October 2021 in continuous 30 days, with a gradual difficulty in different techniques of problems.

Primary LanguageC++


Practicing the Problem Solving Skills Using the Problems Offered by LeetCode Platform,
starting from September 2021 till October 2021 in continuous 30 days,
with a gradual difficulty in different techniques of problems.

From DAY 1 to DAY 4 (Problems Difficulty is EASY)
FROM DAY 5 to DAY 25 (Problems Difficulty is MEDIUM)
FROM DAY 26 to DAY 30 (Problems Difficulty is HARD)

Topics Covered

Math String Matrix STLs Binary Search Recuresion Backtracking Binary Tree
DP D&C Two Pointers DFS Greedy Sorting BST Graph Memoization Bitmask Bit Manipulation

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Math STLs

  1. Two Sum
  2. Reversed Integer
  3. Palindrome Number
  4. Roman to Integer
  5. Longest Common Prefix


Math Linked List

  1. Valid Parentheses
  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  3. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  4. Remove Element
  5. Implement strStr


Binary Search Recursion

  1. Search Insert Position
  2. Length of Last Word
  3. Merge Sorted Array
  4. Climbing Stairs
  5. Plus One


STLs Linked List Binary Tree

  1. Add Binary
  2. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  3. Maximum Subarray
  4. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
  5. Symmetric Tree


Dynamic Programming Math

  1. Stone Game
  2. Subrectangle Queries
  3. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers
  4. Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle
  5. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box


Math Binary Search Divide and Conquer

  1. Add Two Numbers
  2. Integer to Roman
  3. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
  4. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  5. Sort an Array


Two Pointers Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array


Binary Tree DFS Deepest Leaves Sum


Binary Tree DFS Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree

DAY 10

Greedy Matrix Max Increase to Keep City Skyline

DAY 11

Map Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To

DAY 12

Binary Tree DFS Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent

DAY 13

Sorting Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points

DAY 14

Binary Search Tree DFS Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree

DAY 15

Map Hash Function Encode and Decode TinyURL

DAY 16

Binary Tree Divide and Conquer Maximum Binary Tree

DAY 17

vectors simulation Queries on a Permutation With Key

DAY 18

Sorting Matrix Sort the Matrix Diagonally

DAY 19

Math Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal

DAY 20

Graph BFS All Paths From Source to Target

DAY 21

Map Set Finding the Users Active Minutes

DAY 22

BST DFS Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal

DAY 23

DP Memoization Binary Tree All Possible Full Binary Trees

DAY 24

BST DFS Sorting All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees

DAY 25

STLs Two Pointers Greedy Partition Labels

DAY 26

Backtracking Matrix Unique Paths III

DAY 27

Dynamic Programming Sorting Reducing Dishes

DAY 28

String Binary Tree DFS Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal

DAY 29

String Backtracking Bitmask Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters

DAY 30

Memoized DP Bit Manipulation Matrix Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix