
Express & Mongoose

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Import "User-Article APIs.postman_collection.json" in Postman to see the documentaion and be able to test the project

Install MongoDB Compass or MongoDB Atlas with your own connection string modify in ==> "./DB/connection.js"


using mongoose & express

  1. User model (name, email, age, password )
  2. Article model (title, content )

Auth APIs:

  1. sign up
  2. sign in

User APIs:

  1. get all users
  2. update user
  3. delete user
  4. get users with name start with x with age less than y
  5. get users with name end with x
  6. get users with name contains x
  7. get users with name x

Note: (x and y are variables)

Articles APIs:

  1. add article
  2. update article (article owner only )
  3. delete article ( article owner only)
  4. get all articles with their owner's information
  5. get article by id