
A function grapher that uses Pyside2 and matplotlib to graph user's given functions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Write a Python GUI program that plots arbitrary user-entered function. ✔️
  2. Take a function of x from the user, e.g., 5x^3 + 2x.✔️
  3. Take min and max values of x from the user.✔️
  4. The following operators must be supported: + - / * ^.✔️ Also does [(, ), sin, cos, tan, abs, trunc, PI]
  5. The GUI should be simple and beautiful (well organized).✔️
  6. Apply appropriate input validation to the user input.❌(Only Graph if the input is correct)
  7. Display messages to the user to explain any wrong input.❌(Only Graph if the input is correct)
  8. You must use Pyside2 and Matplotlib.✔️
  9. The Matplotlib figure must be embedded in the Pyside2 application.✔️
  10. You must test your program using pytest and pytest-qt. Include the testing codes in your repository.❌
  11. Your code should be well organized and well documented.✔️