Clinic Management System Laravel Project

This repository contains a clinic management system project built using the Laravel framework. The project aims to provide an efficient and user-friendly solution for managing appointments, patient records, and clinic operations.



The clinic management system Laravel project includes the following features:

  1. User Managements: Admin can add , edit , delete another system users with different roles .
  2. Appointment Scheduling: staff can manage and schedule appointments.
  3. Events Management : doctor , admin can add , delete events .
  4. Patient Management: Staff can manage patient records, including personal information, medical history, and appointments.
  5. Billing and Invoicing: Staff can generate bills and invoices for patients and track payment status.
  6. Prescription Management: Doctors can create and manage prescriptions for patients.
  7. Medical Reports: Doctors can generate medical reports for patients and attach them to their records.
  8. Search Functionality: Users can search for patients, appointments, medicines and medical records.
  9. Multi Languages : System support multiple Language (Arabic , English)
  10. Responsive Design : System incorporates a responsive design to ensure optimal user experience across a variety of devices and screen sizes .
  11. Notifications : provide notifications functionality between patient and admin / doctor .
  12. Email Notifications: Patients receive email notifications for appointment reminders and updates. (in progress)

Usage and screenshots

Admin Dashboard

1- In Dashboard we can see system analytics for main modules such as patients , reservations , medicines , etc .....


2- In events part , we can add events in calender and manage these events .

Calendar Events
2- calendar 2- events

3- In Patient Part , we can manage patient add , edit , delete , restore , delete_forever patient .

Patients Add Patient
3- patients 3- add patient
Edit Patient Patient card
3- edit patient 3- patient card

4- In Reservations / Appointments parts , we can manage reservation add , edit , delete , restore , delete_forever reservation

Reservations Add Reservation
4- add reservation (2)
4- add reservation
Edit Reservation Daily Reservations
4- edit reservation
4- daily reservations

-- we can also add addtional for reservation such as :

  • Rays / Analysis (أالأشعة و التحاليل)
Add Rays / Analysis Edit Rays / Analysis Show Rays / Analysis
4 1 add rays_analysis 4 2 edit rays_analysis 4 1 show rays_analysis
  • Chronic Diseases (الأمراض المزمنة)
Add Chronic Disease Edit Chronic Disease Show Chronic Disease
4 2 add chronic disease 4 2 edit chronic disease 4 2 show chronic disease
  • Glasses Distances (مقاسات النظارة) for eye clinic
Add Glasses Distance Edit Glasses Distance Show Glasses Distance
4 3 add glasses distance 4 3 edit glasses distance 4 3 show glasses distance
  • Prescription (الروشتة)
Add Prescription Show Prescription (Arabic) Show Prescription (English)
4 4 add prescription 4 4 show prescription arabic 4 4 show prescription English

5- In online Reservation / appointment part : admin , doctor can add , delete online reservation using zoom meeting app

Online Reservation Add Online Reservation Delete Online Reservation
5- online reservations 5- add online reservation 5- delete online reservation

6- In medicine part : admin , doctor can add , edit , delete medicines and there are 7759 medicine already stored in database ( from DrugBank website )

Medicines Add Medicine Edit Medicine
6-  medicines 6- add medicine 6- edit medicine

7- In Fees Part : admin , doctor can get daily , monthly and all fees of reservations on the system

Daily Fees Monthly Fees All Fees
7- daily fees 7- monthly fees 7- all fees

8- In Users Part : admin can add , edit , delete users (admin , doctor)

Users Add User Edit User
8- users 8- add user 8- edit user

9- In Role Part : admin can add, edit , delete roles (permissions)

Roles Add Role Edit Role
9- roles 9- add role 9- edit role

10- n system Setting part : admin can control all parts in system

System settings
10- system settings

Patient Dashboard

1- Dashbaord

patient dashboard

2- Reservations

Reservations Add Reservation
patient dashboard reservations patient dashboard add reservation

3- Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease
patient dashboard chronic

4- Rays

patient dashboard rays