Personal Blog Laravel Project

This is a personal blog project built using the Laravel framework. The project allows users to create an account, publish blog posts, and interact with other users through comments and likes. The project aims to provide a platform for sharing personal thoughts, experiences, and knowledge.


  • User Registration and Authentication: Users can create an account, log in, and log out to access the blog features. (in progress)
  • Blog Post Management: Users can create, edit, and delete their own blog posts.
  • Categories: Blog posts can be organized into different categories for easy navigation.
  • Responsive Design: The project is built with a responsive design, ensuring optimal user experience across different devices.

Technologies Used

Laravel framework PHP MySQL database HTML/CSS JavaScript Bootstrap (or any other front-end framework you might have used)

Screen Shots


  • Home

0- home

  • Categories
Cyber security category web categoty
0- cybersecurity category 0- web category
  • Tags
HTML tag
0- html tag
  • Post Details
Post Details
0- post details


  • Dashboard
1- dashboard
  • Categories
Categories Add Category Edit Category
2- categories 2- add category 2- edit category
  • Posts
Posts Add Post Edit Post
3- posts 3- add post 3- edit post
  • Tags
Tags Add Tag Edit Tag
4- tags 4- add tag 4- edit tag
  • Pages
Pages Add Page Edit Page
5- pages 5- add page 5- edit page
  • Roles
Roles Edit Role
6- roles 6- edit role
  • Users
7- users
  • Settings
8- settings
  • Profile
9- profile