Teacher Center System

Welcome to the Teacher Center System! This README file will guide you through the setup and usage of this Laravel project. The Teacher Center System is a web application designed to help teachers manage their classes, students, assignments, and grades.


Here are some key features and instructions on how to use them:

Landing Page

Landing Page


  • Log in using your credentials on the login page (admin - teacher - parent - student).
Admin Login Teacher Login Parent Login Student Login
1_admin_dashboard 4_teacher_dashboard 2_parent_dashboard 3_student_dashboard
  • Forgot your password? Use the "Forgot Password" link on the login page to reset it. (in progress).

Admin Dashboard


  • Grades (المراحل الدراسية)
    • To manage grades, go to the "Grades" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can view, add, edit, and delete grades .
Grades Add Grade Edit Grade
2- grade 2- add grade 2- edit grade
  • Classes (الصفوف الدراسية)
    • To create a new class, click on the "Create Class" button and fill in the necessary details.
    • Once a class is created, you can manage its details, including adding students, assignments, and grades.
Classes Add Class Edit Class
3- classes 3- add class 3- edit class
  • Sections (المجموعات)
    • To manage sections, go to the "Sections" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can view, add, edit, and delete sections .
Sections Add Section Edit Section
4- sections 4- add section 4- edit section
  • Teachers (المعلمين)
    • To manage teachers, go to the "Teachers" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can view, add, edit, and delete teacher information.
    • You can also assign sections to specific teacher.
Teachers Add Teacher Edit Teacher
5- teachers 6- add teacher 6- edit teacher
  • Students (الطلاب)
    • To manage students, go to the "Students" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can view, add, edit, and delete student information.
    • You can also assign students to specific section.
Students Add Student Edit Student
7- students 7- add student 7- edit student
  • Parents (أولياء الأمور)
    • To manage parents, go to the "Parents" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can view, add, edit, and delete parents information.
Parents Add Parent Edit Parent
8- parents 8- add parent 8- edit parent
  • Attendance ( الحضور و الغياب )
    • To manage student attendance, go to the "Attenance" section in the navigation menu.
    • admin , teacher can enter / edit student attendance
Attendance update Attendance
9- attendance 9- update attendance
  • Exam / Quiz (الأمتحانات و التسميع)
    • To manage Exam / quiz, go to the "Exam / quiz" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can add , edit exam and quiz degrees for students in thier sections / groups.
Show Groups Edit Exam Degree Choose Exam Day
10- exams 10- edit exam degree 10- choose exam day
Show Groups Edit Quiz Degree Choose Quiz Day
11- quiz 11- edit quiz degree 11- choose quiz day
  • Accounts ( المصاريف و الدفع)
    • To manage Accounts, go to the "Accounts" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can add fees for sections / groups and add payment for students.
Fees Add Fee Edit Fee
13- fees 13- add fees 13- edit fees
Show Group Choose Payment Month Add Payment
12- payment 12- choose payment month 12- add payment
  • Announcements (الأعلانات)
    • To manage Announcements, go to the "Announcements" section in the navigation menu.
    • Announcements are things we can use to announce students section / group what we want .
    • Here, you can add , edit , delete Announcements.
Announcements Add Announcement Edit Announcement
14- announcements 14- add announcement 14- edit announcement
  • Books (الكتب)
    • To manage Books, go to the "Books" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can add , edit , delete Books.
Books Add Book Edit Book
15- books 15- add book 15- edit book
  • Online Classes (حصص أونلاين) with zoom
    • To manage Online Classes, go to the "Online Classes" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can add , edit , delete Online Classes.
Online Classes Add Online Class Delete Online Classe
17- online classes 17- add online class 17- delete online class
  • Settings (الأعدادات)
    • To manage Settings, go to the "Settings" section in the navigation menu.
    • Here, you can edit system Settings.
Edit Settings
18- settings

Teacher Dashboard

1- teacher dashboard

Parent Dashboard

  • Dashboard

1 dashboard

  • Parent sons
Parent sons
2 sons 2_1 sons
  • Son attendance
Son attendance
2_2 student_attendance
  • Son Fees
Son Fees
2_3 student_fees
  • Son Quiz
Son Quiz
2_4 student_quiz
  • Son Exam
Son Exam
2_5 student_exam
  • Parent Profile
Parent Profile
4 profile

Student Dashboard

  • Dashboard

1- student dashboard

  • Exams
    • every student can see his exam degree and notes .
2 exams
  • Quiz
    • every student can see his quiz degree and notes .
3 quiz
  • Fees
    • every student can see his montthly fees .
4 fees
  • Attendance
    • every student can see his attendance .
5 attendance
  • Books
    • every student can see his groups books .
6 books
  • Online Classes
    • every student can see his online Classes (if exists) .
Online Classes
7 online classes
  • Announcements
    • every student can see his announcements .
8 announcements
  • Profile
    • every student can see his profile .
9 profile