
Banking System Web Application. GRIP@ Sparks Foundation web development and designing internship. Using: React - Redux - Axios - Bootstrap - Javascript - CSS - Firebase - Fetching API. Internship Duration - 2 Month ( MAY-2022 ).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Banking System Web Application. GRIP@ Sparks Foundation web development and designing internship.

Task Requirements :

Creating system which simulate banking experience of sending and receiving money between users by using full stack technologies.

  • Home > (Detail Page)
  • Users Table > (10 Users)
  • History Table > (Transactions of all users)
Technologies used:
  • React framework and Redux state management and handling reducers, actions and sperate them into slices with ReduxToolKit.
  • I used Axios with CreateAsynThunk to fetching data and handling POST, PUT, GET from API.
  • Firebase for storing users and transaction history tables.
  • React-Bootstrap for building cool UI.
  • React-Routes-Dom for navigation and page routing.
Some Screenshots:
Click on data button to be redirected.


History Table.

After Clicking on (History) button you will be redirected to the page where you can fetch transactions history.


Table of users fetched by clicking on (Get all users) button.


Transfer between two users and validation if account balance lower than transfered amount.
Errors to prevent users wrong inputs.


No same users


When valid inputs





Details about the internship:

Internship Duration - 2 Month ( MAY-2022 ).

Start this project if you find it useful. Made with love ❤ by Kareem Abdelsamea.