Classification Analysis of Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset

This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook that performs a classification analysis on the "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones" dataset. The analysis aims to classify different physical activities based on smartphone sensor data.

Project Overview

The Jupyter Notebook in this repository explores the Human Activity Recognition dataset and applies classification models to achieve specific objectives.


The dataset used for this analysis can be obtained from Kaggle. It includes smartphone sensor data that capture various human activities such as walking, sitting, and standing.

  • Create datasets/ Folder for storing the extracted csv file.


Before running the Notebook, make sure to set up a virtual environment and install the required dependencies.

Setting Up a Virtual Environment

# Create a virtual environment (replace 'venv' with your preferred environment name)
python -m venv virtual

# Activate the virtual environment
# On Windows
# On macOS and Linux
source virtual/bin/activate

Installing Dependencies

# Install the required packages using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt