
Apply boosting and LSTM models in E-commerce product sales prediction

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Sales Prediction

Data Input

11,764 products sales and session data from 2019-04-01 to 2020-11-30
Features include:

  • product list
  • holiday
  • vendor_name
    • used for product segmentation
  • sales data
    • sales, quantity, standard_price, discount_price, multibuy_unit_price, promotion_type, has_freebie, freebie_price
  • session data
    • click, addTocart, purchase, impression, checkout

Use one- or two-week data input to predict the week after next week sales quantity, leave one-week due to time for inventory replenishment

  • timestep refers to number of week data input

Product Segmentation

Due to long-tail effect in E-commerce, perform product segmentation based on time series features of sales pattern

  • group 0: 6,809 long-tail items with daily sales below 80, with many 0 daily sales
  • group 1: 3,077 long-tail items with daily sales below 80, more volatile than group 0
  • group 2: 1,383 long-tail items with more 0 daily sales than group 0
  • group 3: 195 hot items with daily sales between 0 and 600

Model Training

Boosting - LightGBM


Install tensorflow, keras, tabulate, tsfresh packages