
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Install (no admin)

from https://gkarthiks.medium.com/how-to-install-nodejs-and-npm-in-non-admin-access-windows-machines-102fd461b54c download https://nodejs.org/dist/v16.16.0/win-x64/node.exe, put it in a fixed place. Add to PATH Windows key, edit variable environment for your account

download https://registry.npmjs.org/npm/-/npm-8.11.0.tgz In a new cmd:

cd C:\Inn\Programme\root\package
node bin/npm-cli.js install npm -gf

to verify installation node v16.16.0 npm 8.15.0

node -v
npm -v


cd cxai/
npm i
npm i @craco/craco
npm start


npm run build

Side notes

see sql-js/react-sqljs-demo#9

#demonstration of react + sql.js

The only differences with a traditional create-react-app application are :

  • The usage of craco to allow providing a custom webpack configuration
  • a small custom webpack configuration in craco.config.js to copy the wasm module from sql.js to the distributed assets

See src/App.js for the code.