- 2
SwiftyMenu/SwiftyMenu.swift:410: Fatal error:Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value
#46 opened by JidongHe - 1
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Wasn't able to setup the view after it first initialized. So I made a fix myself.
#35 opened by nerdroom - 1
Menu hiding behind another field
#43 opened by AzimJavaidKhan - 2
Default Value
#33 opened by idrenn - 4
attributes.roundCorners.cornerValue ?? 0
#39 opened by parthshethi2e - 1
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Code initialization SwiftyMenu problem
#31 opened by yanxiaobing - 0
didSelectItem Function doesn't work.
#36 opened by Do-hyun-Kim - 1
somting like z-index
#34 opened by arabdev - 4
Single Selection Menu Changing Choice
#23 opened by KitsuneNoctus - 1
.didSelectItem not being called
#32 opened by SamH2022 - 2
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Error when initializing from code
#12 opened by gintechsystems - 2
setting the current selectedIndex programmatically doesn't show the selecteditem
#21 opened by aviya-smila - 3
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Cannot assign value of type '[String]' to type '[SwiftyMenuDisplayable]'
#26 opened by PacoPacoPakitor - 0
#22 opened by Bhargavi-Enrich - 16
Option to Expand/Collapse menu from code
#7 opened by masterpaulo - 2
SnapKit dependency is outdated
#18 opened by mitchwd - 3
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SwiftyMenu from code
#6 opened by quantime-projects - 2
String array not accepting as optiondata
#8 opened by Jaydip-iOS - 2