

  • Search Screen that allows users to enter a US city - DONE
  • Display the information that users would be interested in seeing - DONE
  • Cache images - DONE
  • Auto-load the last city searched upon app launch - DONE
  • Ask the User for location access, If the User gives permission to access the location, then retrieve weather data by default - DONE

Must have that are used:

  • Kotlin - Used Kotlin in the whole codebase.
  • Java - Used Java in unit tests
  • Used MVVM as the architecture for the app
  • Retrofit for the networking library
  • Junit and Mockito for unit tests
  • Kotlin coroutines for the communication between viewModel and view
  • RxJava for the RxBus
  • Hilt for dependency injection

Project structure:

  • core package - holds all the common functionalities for the app
  • search package - holds all the UI and business logic for the search page
  • weather package - holds all the UI and business logic for the main screean that displays the weather info and the location permission logic

Time breakdown:

  • 20 min - Understand the requirements and setup the plan for execution
  • 10 min - Used Postman to test the APIs and understand the response
  • 20 min - Setup the project with all the dependencies needed
  • 1.15 hrs - Implement the search page, and display search results along with testing and covering corner cases
  • 1 hr - Implement the main weather page and display weather info to the user
  • 25 min - Implement location permission logic with testing
  • 20 min - Implement unit tests for one of the mappers
  • 30 min - Final QA pass and code cleanup and documentation (comments and video recording and readme)

If I had more time, I would have:

  • Written more unit tests to cover all viewModels, mappers and repositories
  • Moved Search package into its own module. Similarly for the core package.
  • Handled configuration changes
  • Made the UI look pretty
  • made search page more responsive by displaying results as the user types the location


Location permission NOT grated Location permission granted