
Code and detailed explanation for UltraX package

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



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User-friendly functions and events that makes life easier
UltraX is a unique package that gives you multiple useful usages using functions and events.

NPM info


✘ Install

$ npm install ultrax


✘ Table of Content

  • Functions:

    • sleep() - A simple function that makes it easier to timeout in your code.

    • passGen() - Function to create passwords made by letters and numbers randomly with a specified length.

    • bin() - Function to bin code into a SourceBin.

    • buttonPaginator() - Function to create a paginator with buttons.

    • welcomeImage() - This function is used to create a welcome image using canvas, fully customizable and fast!

    • sussybaka() - Create a sussybaka image from an image url.

    • dababy() - Create a dababy image from an image url.

    • wikipedia() - A simple function to allow you to fetch a topic from Wikipedia and send an embed with the information.

    • boostImage() - Function that creates a booster card, using the French Noodles API.

    • remind() - Function to make remind command

  • Events:

    • reminder - This event fires when it's time to remind someone of a reminder created by the Remind Function.

    • inviteJoin - This event fires when a user joins by an invite link from another user, it provides information who joined, by what invite link and who made that invite link.

    • boost - This event emits when the server is boosted and returns the booster as GuildMember, with all data existing about it.


✘ Functions:


A simple function that makes it easier to timeout in your code.

(async () => {
  const  { sleep } = require('ultrax');

  console.log('Started!'); // => Logs "Started!"

  await sleep(2000); // => Waits 2 seconds

  console.log('Two seconds passed!'); // => Logs "Two seconds passed!"

sleep(ms: Number)


Function to create passwords made by letters and numbers randomly with a specified length.

const  { passGen } = require('ultrax');

console.log(passGen(6));  // => NzA8YT

passGen(length: Number)


Function to bin code into a SourceBin.

(async () => {
  const  { bin } = require('ultrax')

  if (!args[0]) return message.channel.send('What do you want to bin?');

  const url = await bin(args.join(' '));

  console.log(url) // => https://sourceb.in/bFD3tHt1vB

bin(code: String)


Function to create a paginator with buttons.


const { buttonPaginator } = require('ultrax');
const { MessageEmbed, MessageButton } = require("discord.js");

const embed1 = new MessageEmbed()
  .setTitle("1st page embed");
const embed2 = new MessageEmbed()
  .setTitle("2nd page embed");
const embed3 = new MessageEmbed()
  .setTitle("3rd page embed");
const embed4 = new MessageEmbed()
  .setTitle("4th page embed");

const buttonBack = new MessageButton()

const buttonForward = new MessageButton()

await buttonPaginator(message, [embed1, embed2, embed3, embed4], [buttonBack, buttonForward]); // => Replies with a paginated embed to your message

buttonPaginator(message: Message, embeds: MessageEmbed[], buttons: MessageButton[])



This function is used to create a welcome image using canvas, fully customizable and fast!


A nice welcome image function working inside of a guildMemberAdd event.

const { welcomeImage } = require('ultrax');

client.on('guildMemberAdd', async member => {
  const bg = 'https://imgur.com/okIR1iY.png';
  const avatar = member.user.displayAvatarURL({ format: "png" });
  const title = "welcome";
  const subtitle = member.user.tag;
  const footer = `You're the ${member.guild.memberCount}th member`;
  const color = '#ffffff';
  const channel = member.guild.channels.cache.get('716220553391767569')
  const options = {
    font: "sans-serif",
    attachmentName: `welcome-${member.id}`,
    title_fontSize: 80,
    subtitle_fontSize: 50,
    footer_fontSize: 30

  const image = await welcomeImage(bg, avatar, title, subtitle, footer, color, options);

  channel.send({ files: [image] });

To use a custom font, you need to register your font, and give it a family name, after registering it, you can use the specified family name in the options. More information about registering fonts can be found here.



Parameter Type Optional Description
background String The background for the welcome image
avatar String The avatar for the welcome image
title String The title for the welcome image
subtitle String The subtitle for the welcome image
footer String The footer for the welcome image
color String The color for the welcome image
options WelcomeImageSettingsOptions The options for the welcome image

welcomeImage(background: String, avatar: String, title: String, subtitle: String, footer: String, color: String, options: WelcomeImageSettingsOptions)


Parameter Type Optional Default Description
font String sans-serif The font for the text in the welcome image
attachmentName String welcome The name for the attachment that contains the welcome image
title_fontSize Number 72 pixels The title's font size for the welcome image
subtitle_fontSize Number 42 pixels The subtitle's font size for the welcome image
footer_fontSize Number 32 pixels The footer's font size for the welcome image

{ font: String, attachmentName: String, title_fontSize: String, subtitle_fontSize: String, footer: String }


Create a sussybaka image from an image url.


const { sussybaka } = require("ultrax");

client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
  if (message.content === "!sussybaka") {
    const image = await sussybaka(message.mentions.users.first()?.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }) || message.author.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }));

    return message.channel.send({ files: [image] });

sussybaka(url: String)



Create a dababy image from an image url.


const { dababy } = require('ultrax');

client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
  if (message.content === "!dababy") {
    const image = await dababy(message.mentions.users.first()?.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }) || message.author.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }));

    return message.channel.send({ files: [image] });

dababy(url: String)



A simple function to allow you to fetch a topic from Wikipedia and send an embed with the information.


const { Wikipeda } = require('ultrax') 

let query = 'earth'

const res = new Wikipedia({ 
	reply: message, // Use 'interaction' instead for any interaction based commands
	color: "RED",
	query: query

await res.send();

new Wikipedia({ message|interaction: Message, interaction: CommandInteraction, color: String, query: String })



Function that creates a booster card, using the French Noodles API.


A nice boost image function working inside of the Boost Event.

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { boostImage, boost } = require('ultrax');

client.on('boost', async (booster) => {
  const channel = client.channels.cache.get('716239290350436423');
  const avatar = booster.user.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' });
  const boostCard = boostImage(avatar);

  let embed = new MessageEmbed()
    .setDescription(`${booster.user.toString()} boosted the server!`)
  channel.send({ embeds: [embed] });

boostImage(avatar: String)



Function to create a reminder, to actually triger something after the reminder triggers use the Reminder Event.


const { remind } = require("ultrax");

const time = args[0];
const reason = args.slice(1).join(" ");

if (!time) return message.channel.send("Over how long do you want to be reminded?");
if (!reason) return message.channel.send("What do you want me to remind you of?");

remind(message.author.id, time, reason);
message.channel.send("Successfully set a reminder.");


✘ Events

Reminder Event

This event fires when it's time to remind someone of a reminder created by the Remind Function.


const { reminder, connectToMongoDB } = require("ultrax")
connectToMongoDB('MONGO DB URL');

client.on('reminder', (userId, reason, time) => {
	const user = client.users.cache.get(userId);
  user.send(`You asked me \`${time}\` ago to remind you of: \`${reason}\``);

connectToMongoDB(url: String) remind.init(client: Client)


This event fires when a user joins by an invite link from another user, it provides information who joined, by what invite link and who made that invite link.


const { inviteLogger } = require("ultrax");

client.on('inviteJoin', (member, invite, inviter) => {
  console.log(`${member.user.tag} joined using invite code ${invite.code} from ${inviter.tag}. Invite was used ${invite.uses} time(s) since its creation.`); // => Iliannnn#0001 joined using the invite code Dx7aRg7Q from UltraX#0001. Invite was used 1 time(s) since its creation.


Boost Event

This event fires when a user boosts the server and it provides information about the user who boosted the server, you can make you're boost message a bit more interesting using the boostImage Function.



const { boost } = require('ultrax');

client.on('boost', async (booster) => {
	const boostChannel = client.channels.cache.get('716239290350436423');

	boostChannel.send({ content: `${booster} boosted the server!` });


✘ Contact us

In case you have idea's to improve the package, or maybe you found some bugs or you need help, you can contact us in our Discord server!