Hi there!

Welcome to repository of chat-app.

I`m glad to represent my project made by using TypeScript, HTML, SCSS and Redux!

Appropriate settings of eslint, prettier and stylelint configs provide readable code.

Morever using of Webpack and special github workflows ensures succes of assembly and deployment.

You can easily use chat-app because it's convenient and clear for everyone. You have an opportunity to send as much messages as you want - jsut write your name and leave your message in a special input and click on button. Name and message are the necessary and essential parameters so you can't click on button without them.

As a result you and all the chat-app visitors can see the message you`ve sent.

In conclusion I`d like to inform you that you can contact
me at anytime you need by using contacts below:

* email: faradian.karina@gmail.com
* telegram: krn_frdn
* phone: +374 77-392-442