
The following is a guide covering the installation, setup and deployment of the Syllabi Savers application. The stack of the application is as follows.

  • ReactJS
  • ExpressJS
  • NodeJS
  • SQLite3

Most of the dependencies for this application are already integrated into the different node modules when the application is cloned onto the filesystem. However, nodejs must be available on the computer in order to run correctly.

Installation of NodeJS

  1. Install the current LTS edition of NodeJS if not currently installed.

Link to nodejs download, install for respective OS.

  1. Run node -v in cmd or powershell on Windows (or in Terminal on macOS) to verify nodejs is installed properly.

Installation of SQLite3

  1. Download the current version of SQLite3
  • Windows: download the 64-bit DLL
  • macOS: download sqlite-tools
  1. Expand the .zip and open folder.
  2. Move executables to 2021-2022-Capstone-DB/db
  • Windows: executables are sqlite3.def and sqlite3.dll
  • macOS: executables are sqldiff, sqlite3, and sqlite3_analyzer

Once NodeJS is installed and the repo is cloned

  1. Navigate to the src directory within 2021-2022-Capstone-DB.
  2. In a usual React application npm install would be used to install dependencies within node_modules. If there are dependency issues, you may need to manually delete the node_modules folder and run npm install in root.
  3. Navigate to the src directory with cd src and run npm run build. This will help build node within the filesystem.

To run the program manually

  1. Navigate to root or ../2021-2022-Capstone-DB.
  2. Running npm run dev will run both the React application and the backend server.

Navigation to the application

  1. When running on your local machine, the application will be located on http://localhost:3000/
    1. Note: that when you run the program for the first time, the application will open in the system default browser
  2. To close the application, navigate back to the terminal used to open the application and enter CTRL+C to end the task.
    1. An alternative is opening Task Manager, and locating the task React and manually ending that task.

Notes on first launch, database

We did not include a database with the source code, so a new one is created at first launch. This database will remain empty until a course is added from the Create page.