
A base kit of useful toys for front-end heavy web app development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my base package for a fron-end heavy webapp. This package is completely backend agnostic, when you deploy it as is it makes no assumptions about your back-end, it will work in any modern browser out of the box.

NOTE: This base contains coffeescript it is not dependant on it but it is included as a default since I use it. (so having coffeescript installed on your development environment helps you take full advantage of this)


  • html5-boilerplate used for general structure, build scripts and a nice base to start from

  • jQuery v1.6.4 because it's jQuery, can't live without it

  • Backbone.js provides the model-view-collections framework and a lot of building blocks

  • CoffeeScript just to make javascript a lot nicer.

  • less to make writing css a bit nicer.


There is a cakefile with 3 task to ease building. The tasks are:

  • cake build concatenates (in the order of: Models first, then collections, then views and finally main.coffee) and builds it all into a app.js file.
  • cake buildCss builds the style.css file based on style.less
  • cake watch watches for changes in either src or css folders and then builds a new css or js file depending on which changed

These files use growlnotify for notifications, that might require some tweaking on non OS X computer